This year we had two squash patches, the second of which was an experimental bed to see which of five varieties would yield best under the same conditions.
Jack-be-littles in the squash patch. |
Crown princes in the squash patch. |
On Thursday 30th October we harvested all that were there and weighed them - the yield of five plants of each of the five varieties, in a 25 square metre bed:-
crown prince - 27.8kg
jack-be-little - 18.5kg
rolet - 16.5kg
butternut - 6.6kg
turk's turban - 3.5kg.
The relative harvests of our five varieties - crown prince (back left), turk's turban (back centre), butternut (back right), jack-be-little (front left) and rolet (front right). |
Consequently we won't be growing turk's turban again, though the butternut may be worth another go if we think we can spare some polytunnel space for them next year. We have grown jack-be-little for the past 4 years and will continue to do so; we will include rolet in our veg boxes sometime this month and we welcome feedback on their flavour and cooking performance; and the crown prince is a winner, though we must remember that those 27.8kg of squash corresponded to nine individual vegetables.
Crown prince, turk's turban, and summer crook-necked displayed in our farm shop. |
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