Treebogs are a kind of compost toilet, and we have begun building our own here on the farm. They are a temporary wooden structure with two cubicles, and we will site them in a quiet corner behind the barn, but in easy reach of the farm buildings, yard, and Home Field.
A small group of volunteers helped us get the timber frame bolted together and ready to move into its final position, which will be sometime next month. We can then start attaching the walls and floors to the frame, and hopefully the treebogs will be up and running before long, and converting our waste into useful products like willow laths.
We took a bit of time out from treebog building to go and visit the veggie field and see how work was progressing - another lovely sunny day!
For a short video about building treebogs, please visit the Transition Penwith website and scroll down to "Tree Bog building Workshop", to see some of our friends sorting out their waste management system!