The infamous "hungry gap" is here again. The months of May and June form that period of the year when the winter crops are running out but the summer crops have not yet begun. During this time most veg box schemes take a break, but we continue, producing what we can during this difficult time and buying in some produce from other local farmers and growers to supplement our offering.
Last week's small veg box, composed entirely of our own produce - beetroot, potatoes, radishes, lettuce, chard and kohl rabi. |
So far this year we have bought courgettes, broad beans, peas, and spring greens, all from within 10 miles of our farm, and all from producers who grow to the same environmental standards as ourselves. These have also been available in our farm shop and at farmers markets, and we always clearly label where they come from.
Our farm shop, which we hope to keep well stocked throughout. |
Crops which have recently run out - cauliflowers, cabbages, green sprouting broccoli, leeks, onions, kale, kohl rabi, swedes.
Crops which are continuing through the hungry gap (so far!) - stored potatoes, stored beetroot, salad leaves, chard (mainly Swiss), various fresh herbs, rhubarb, strawberries, purple sprouting broccoli, radishes, lettuces.
Crops which will be available in the near future - new potatoes, broad beans, rainbow chard, cucumbers, tomatoes, courgettes.