On Tuesday 19th July we eventually got around to planting 600 winter squash (a.k.a. pumpkins) into our maincrop field, maybe 3 weeks too late for their own good, but the weather and time and person-power were against us, and better late than never....
We plan to get our squashes into the ground at the beginning of July, once all the leeks are in, but we took a break in planting leeks, and finished the leeks (all 6300 transplants of them) on the following Tuesday.
Many thanks to our team of volunteers on the day for seeing the task through to the end - Sim, Rob, Jez, Mick, Ruby, Lily, and Warren. Tuesday is one of the busiest days on the farm, with a team of local and (inter)national volunteers working together on tasks such as this one - if you would like to get involved please contact us via email, or call in.