Thursday, January 13, 2011

St. Just Primary School Staff Visit.

On Wednesday 5th January, braving the wet weather, the teaching staff of St. Just Primary School came down to the farm for part of their inset day, and to allow them to explore the farm's wide educational potential.
After a farm tour, the staff split into groups to work on various team-building projects, such as planning and brainstorming sessions, logo design, farmhouse cooking, and compost workshops. There were lots of good ideas and positive energy flowing around, followed by superb quiches (using our own eggs) and salads (using our own leaves) in the farmhouse kitchen. One activity hatched from this day was a group of students spending the following Wednesday morning here on the farm as part of their economics curriculum, learning about the business side of farming, such as what produce we grow and how we market it - which goes to show that just about any subject can be taught here if we put our minds to it, from economics to trigonometry (planning a hexagonal allotment), horticulture to drama ("all the farm is a stage"), ecology to woodwork (our tree-bogs still need finishing!).

Thanks to all the staff for spending their time with us, and we look forward to working closely in the near future.

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