Monday, October 3, 2016

Harvest celebration photos

Yesterday we held our annual harvest celebration open day, this year in conjunction with the Community Supported Agriculture Association's "open weekend". The weather was glorious, and helped to make it one of our best attended open days to date.

Sue, Jenny and Willow preparing craft activities in the cob roundhouse.
Ian from Chypraze farm with their barbecue in the farmyard.
One of the many cakes in the self-service pop-up cafe, organised by Alice.
Our farm shop ready for business.

Sophie's Touch had a stall selling her produce in the farmyard.
Fran demonstrating how to spin wool, by the campfire.
A tour of the under-construction bee education area, with Ian.
A tour of the market garden and polytunnels, with Hugh.
Exploring the square-metre vegetable beds outside our cob roundhouse, with Sonia.
Sowing bee-friendly wildflowers in the bee education garden (in association with Grow Wild and Kew Gardens).
We'd like to thank all of our wonderful volunteers and everybody else who helped to make this open day so positive and special, whether you led a tour or baked a cake, weeded the beetroot or tidied the shop, sowed some seeds or came along to have a look around and a chat - thank you for being a part of our community.

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